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發(fā)布時(shí)間: 2022-12-01  點(diǎn)擊次數(shù): 518次

安科瑞 陳聰

 Acrel Wireless Temperature Monitoring Application in Nanjing Lukou International Airport

摘要: 高壓開(kāi)關(guān)柜在運(yùn)行過(guò)程中,柜內(nèi)觸點(diǎn)與母線(xiàn)連接處、動(dòng)靜觸頭電路發(fā)熱過(guò)大,易引發(fā)停電和火災(zāi)事故。因此,高壓開(kāi)關(guān)柜內(nèi)溫度監(jiān)測(cè)尤其是三相觸點(diǎn)溫度監(jiān)測(cè)非常重要。高壓設(shè)備存在裸露電壓,傳統(tǒng)的有線(xiàn)溫度檢測(cè)方法因無(wú)法解決高壓絕緣問(wèn)題而不能應(yīng)用。無(wú)線(xiàn)測(cè)溫系統(tǒng)采用無(wú)線(xiàn)電波進(jìn)行信息傳輸,不需要布線(xiàn),與高壓設(shè)備等電勢(shì),不需要采取絕緣措施。因而無(wú)線(xiàn)測(cè)溫系統(tǒng)可解決高壓設(shè)備測(cè)溫難題。

Abstract: During the operation of the high-voltage switchgears, The contact in the cabinet and the bus connection, the dynamic and static contact circuit generates too heat, which is easy to cause power failure and fire accident. Therefore, the temperature monitoring is very important in the high-voltage switch cabinet, especially the three-phase contact temperature monitoring. The traditional wired temperature measurement method can not be used because of the exposed voltage of high voltage equipment. The wireless temperature measurement system uses radio waves, no wiring, equal potential with high-voltage equipment, and no insulation measures. Therefore, the wireless temperature measurement system can solve the temperature measurement problem of high-voltage equipment.


Keywords: high-voltage switchgears,Wireless Temperature Monitoring System

0.項(xiàng)目概述:Project Overview


This project is the expansion project of the T1 terminal of Nanjing Lukou International Airport. It needs to be equipped with wireless temperature measurement products to realize the temperature rise monitoring of the circuit breakers in the cabinet.The working environment temperature of the sensor meets the requirement of -40℃ to +120℃. Choose ATE300 type CT inductive powered temperature sensor. And choose the ATC400 transceiver to connect to the background system.


Wireless Temperature Monitoring System Introduction

無(wú)線(xiàn)測(cè)溫系統(tǒng)適用于3-35kV室內(nèi)開(kāi)關(guān)柜,包括內(nèi)置開(kāi)關(guān)柜,手推車(chē)開(kāi)關(guān)柜,固定開(kāi)關(guān)柜和環(huán)網(wǎng)開(kāi)關(guān)柜。 它也適用于0.4kV低壓開(kāi)關(guān)設(shè)備,例如固定開(kāi)關(guān)設(shè)備和抽屜式開(kāi)關(guān)設(shè)備。Wireless Temperature Monitoring System is suitable for 3-35kV indoor switchgears, including built-in switchgears, handcart switchgears, fixed switchgears and loop-net switchgears. It is also suitable for 0.4kV low-voltage switchgears such as fixed switchgears and drawer switchgears.


Wireless Temperature Monitoring Configuration Scheme


     Wireless temperature monitoring of contacts in high and low voltage cabinets


  Wireless temperature monitoring with operation and display function for contacts in high-voltage cabinets (single cabinet local display)


  Wireless temperature monitoring of contacts in high and low voltage cabinets (no local display )


 Wireless temperature monitoring of contacts in high and low voltage cabinets(Centralized local display)


Local wall-mounted centralized display solution


Introduction of wireless temperature measuring product


wireless temperature sensor


wireless transceiver


Display terminal

4.現(xiàn)場(chǎng)圖片 On site Photos


1.Solutions For Enterprise Micro-grid System 2020.02


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