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發(fā)布時間: 2022-12-06  點(diǎn)擊次數(shù): 626次

安科瑞 陳聰














The year of 2020 is the first year of 5G , the communications industry is undergoing vigorous development,major operators and tower groups are deploying a new generation of communications base stations. The power consumption of base stations continues to rise, intelligent power monitoring and energy-saving management of communication base stations have become the research direction of various operators.

1.At the same time, the current power usage of tower base stations has the following problems:

Electricity stealing by related personnel:

Corresponding personnel will rely on the power supply system of the base station to connect privately used equipment.

2.Non-production energy consumption remains high:

According to statistical analysis, the average electricity expenditure of each base station air conditioner accounts for about 54% of the entire base station electricity expenditure. Air conditioners have become the main power-consuming equipment in the base station computer room.

3.Poor system linkage:

The base station equipment and lines cannot be controlled remotely, and the corresponding personnel cannot be notified and measures taken immediately when the line fails.

4.The number of base stations is large, the operation and maintenance burden is heavy, and the efficiency is low:

The existing base station power supply system still cannot meet the increasing needs of users for intelligence, informatization, visualization, and easy maintenance. There is no pre-perception and judgment on the hidden dangers of the battery in the system, and the operation and maintenance personnel are required to continue to the scene Perform operation and maintenance services, and the operation and maintenance efficiency is low.

Relying on strong R&D strength and rich industry experience, Acrel pay attention to improve the situations from both software and hardware aspects.



1. 美國某鐵塔集非洲各地區(qū)鐵塔遠(yuǎn)程電力監(jiān)控項目,需接入大量交、直流采集儀表到后臺,為其更合理地掌握、分析電能使用情況提供實(shí)時、準(zhǔn)確、穩(wěn)定的基層數(shù)據(jù)。安科瑞憑借17年電力行業(yè)良好的口碑和實(shí)力,豐富的產(chǎn)品線,過硬的產(chǎn)品質(zhì)量、快速的交貨周期,強(qiáng)有力的技術(shù)支持,通過多個現(xiàn)場的實(shí)地測試,在多個品牌比較中脫穎而出,成為該集團(tuán)的優(yōu)秀供應(yīng)商,并達(dá)成戰(zhàn)略合作協(xié)議。

1.One of tower companies in the United States integrates remote power monitoring systems for towers in Africa areas. It requires to be connected into a large number of AC and DC collection meters to provide real-time, accurate and stable basic-level data for it to more effectively grasp and analyze power usage. Relying on 17 years of good reputation and strength in the power industry, Ankerui has a rich product line, excellent product quality, fast delivery cycle, strong technical support, and has passed multiple on-site field tests and compared multiple brands. Stand out, become the high-quality supplier of the group, and reach a strategic cooperation agreement.

2. 中國鐵塔股份有限公司是由中國移動通信有限公司、中國聯(lián)合網(wǎng)絡(luò)通信有限公司、中國電信股份有限公司和中國國新控股有限責(zé)任公司出資設(shè)立的大型國有通信鐵塔基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施服務(wù)企業(yè)。公司主要從事通信鐵塔等基站配套設(shè)施和高鐵地鐵公網(wǎng)覆蓋、大型室內(nèi)分布系統(tǒng)的建設(shè)、維護(hù)和運(yùn)營。2017年,安科瑞根據(jù)鐵塔Q/ZTT 1017-2015《基站交流智能電表技術(shù)規(guī)范》,Q/ZTT 2205-2017《基站直流電能計量模塊技術(shù)要求》要求,定制開發(fā)直流電表,目前已大量應(yīng)用于該項目。

2.China Tower Co., Ltd. is a large state-owned communications tower infrastructure service company funded by China Communications Co., Ltd., China United Network Communications Co., Ltd., China Telecom Co., Ltd. and China Guoxin Holdings Co., Ltd. The company is mainly engaged in the construction, maintenance and operation of base station supporting facilities such as communication towers, high-speed rail subway public network coverage, and large indoor distribution systems. In 2017, Acrel customized and developed DC meters according to the requirements of Q/ZTT 1017-2015 "Technical Specifications for Base Station AC Smart Meters" and Q/ZTT 2205-2017 "Technical Requirements for Base Station DC Energy Metering Modules", which has been widely used in this project.

III.Acrel Solutions

1. Acrel Software solutions.


1.We has developed a electric monitoring system for tower/ base station.By installing AC/DC smart meters, wireless smart meters and electric monitoring system to the tower base station to complete the power-off operation during the night without business hours, reduces power consumption, reduces operating costs, and improves the real-time monitoring and protection function of the power supply line status of communication equipment; the system backstage sorts out, summarizes and summarizes the stored historical electrical performance data of the power supply line Analyze, find out the cause of the failure, give suggestions for solutions, reduce the incidence of subsequent similar failures, and improve the power supply line operation and maintenance management and control capabilities.

2. Acrel DC Meter solution

3.Acrel AC meter solution


參考文獻(xiàn) Bibliography

1.Solutions for enterprise micro-grid system


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